The Trial of Saddam Hussein and The Fallout of The War

The Trial of Saddam Hussein


The fallout in the Middle East from the regime change in Iraq

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Saddam Hussein's Phonecard

A telephone card that bears an image of Saddam Hussein has been removed from the Brazilian market by Telefonica, after Sao Paulo prosecutors threatened the telephone company.

The card, featuring Hussein in the custody of soldiers one of whom is pointing his gun at Hussein, was issued by Telefonica in June as part of its "World History" series.

However, Telefonica withdrew the card this week after local prosecutors threatened to charge the company with inciting violence and racial intolerance.

It also alleged that the card represented only one view, that of the United States, of Hussein's situation.

Whilst the card itself might be considered to be rather tasteless, the reaction of the prosecutors in Sao Paulo is absurd.

The card represented a moment in history, whether one agrees with it or not, to deny that this moment happened is akin to burying one's head in the sand.

Doubtless those copies of the card that have been issued, will now become collectors' items.

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